We have an impressive collection of books in our Children's and Young Adult Collection at the A.C. Clark Library for your coursework or leisure reading.
Here are 3 ways to find children's books on global and diverse themes:
- We've created a list of books which can be found HERE. These are books purchased from a MinnState Innovation Grant and Title 6 Funding from the University of Minnesota, and headed up by Dr. Kathrina O'Connell from Professional Education. (Please note that there are many other global and diversity themed books in the collection, but these have specifically been recently purchased through these generous grants.)
- You can search for specific titles, authors, or themes via our OneSearch resource.
- You can browse the collection in person. Our Children's and Young Adult Collection is located on the library's 2nd floor. Picture and fiction books are generally shelved alphabetically by author's last name. Sections are color-coded on the spine: Picture Books = Purple, Fiction = Green, Non-fiction = Red
Feel free to contact me with your questions. I'm happy to help!