How to find Children's & Young Adult books in the BSU Library Collection
We have almost a quarter of a million items in our library collections, so browsing for books can be difficult! Here is a how-to for searching our catalog and making this process a little easier. Tip: if you aren't finding many books, consider other terms to use in your search. For example: Latinx-->Latino or Latina.
Start out at the Library's homepage and enter your search in OneSearch, select Books & More, and click on Search.
Use the filter on the left to narrow down to a specific Children's Location: Children's and Young Adult Fiction, Children's Non-fiction, or Picture Books.
In this example I've selected the Children's Non-fiction Location. Take a look at the results.
To see a different set of books, like the Picture Books results for example, simply clear the filter...
Then use the filter to choose the Location: Picture Books.