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Public Performance Rights for BSU Library Purchased Videos

Can I show a BSU Library video to a group and similar questions.

Public Performance Rights for BSU Library Purchased Videos

Information on Public Performance Rights for Library Purchased Videos

  • What are public performance rights?  Public Performance Rights (PPR) are an exemption to copyright law for performing or displaying a copyrighted work at a public gathering. A copyright holder may grant an educational institution permission to perform/display a copyrighted work outside of the classroom to a public group with no restrictions or with some restrictions, or not grant permission at all. Read more about this law.
  • How can I tell if a BSU Library purchased video has public performance rights?  The library has videos in DVD format and streaming online. Browse our  BSU Library videos with public performance rights.
  • What if the video was purchased from an area on campus other than the library? You will need to contact that department to find out if they purchased PPR when they purchased the video. 
  • I've looked for PPR information on your videos and I still can't tell if they have PPR or not. Don't hesitate to contact Librarian Tammy Bobrowsky with your questions (see contact info on the left). 
  • What if the library has a video, but it does not come with PPR? Can the library upgrade to PPR? It may be possible to do so, but it may involve a fee from the vendor. Contact Tammy Bobrowsky with your questions (see contact info on the left). 


Public Performance Rights (PPR) By Vendor

For the most part, PPR information should be available on the library's OneSearch record for each title, but here is a summary of that information by vendors the BSU Library currently works with:

  • Films on Demand: streaming videos include PPR; essentially, you may show these, but cannot charge a fee for admission to the showing. 
  • Swank: videos the BSU Library has licensed via their Digital Campus do not allow for PPR. PPR may be requested for a fee. Please contact Librarian Tammy Bobrowsky for PPR options for videos found on Swank. 
  • Kanopy: Most videos found on Kanopy include PPR. This information will appear on the individual video's Kanopy page. 
  • Docuseek: "a license permits free-admission screenings that are not advertised outside of the learning community. If you’d like to book a virtual or in-person screening that is open to the public, contact the film publisher," eg. Bullfrog.